or the adventures of Alice, her bicycle and a blue ukulele

This was written on aboriginal land. Sovereignty was never ceded. If you are reading this, you are standing on aboriginal land.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Burke and Wills Roadhouse

We made it to Burke and Wills safe, sound, slightly thirsty and with a healthy hot chip craving. It's a funny place which seems to exist purely for tourists. There's nothing else for 150km but you can't buy milk. Or beer on tap.

Today was short - about 30km. But it was enough. Much hotter than the last couple of days. Luckily we had a glorious tail wind all the way into town.

We are trying to find folks who might want to give us a lift into Lawn Hill. Because we are lazy loafers and don't want to do the 300km side trip.

It rained last night, for about 10 minutes. Big desert raindrops. Alice put up the tarp and the rain stopped. But there were puddles on the road thus morning which I rode through fast with a splash.

There were a bunch of mosquitoes too last night. We are a but paranoid about Murray Basin Encephalitis. Alice put up the tent and the mosquitoes stopped. For me at least. I didn't get in the tent.

I have just eaten chips and beer so I like cycling 10 and I think Alice does too.

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