or the adventures of Alice, her bicycle and a blue ukulele

This was written on aboriginal land. Sovereignty was never ceded. If you are reading this, you are standing on aboriginal land.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We rode 84km yesterday. Or maybe even 87km. We have forgotten. But anyway, it was well far and we are feeling pretty hot stuff. Starting to even feel like this whole endeavour might be possible. Not totally convinced yet, but certainly hopeful. It sure is a long way to Alice Springs. People keep telling us that. And they're right.

This morning we set out deadly early, although Alice had been up for hours, patiently waiting while I slept. We got the best tail wind and swept (and were swept) along at 25km/hour all morning. There were bits where we'd be going uphill at 30km/hour without much pedalling at all. With full panniers and all. It would be good to know how much gear we are actually hauling across the continent. My estimates are from 30kg to 55kg. I'm not very good at estimating.

So far the highlights have been the food (although we haven't had hot chips for almost a week), the friendly folk we've stayed with, the Rock Wallabies at Granite Gorge. Also the nice morning rides. And the tail winds. And the sunset at Atkinson Lookout tonight. And the hot chips we had before we stopped having hot chips. And good company to Alice, in Alice.

We upgraded our panniers and added a spare trailer we found abandoned by the road.

Good storage capacity, but quite slow.

1 comment:

  1. who ever gets an uphill tailwind ? thats cwwwaaazy
